Landslides, tornadoes, hail with grains as big as eggs. Sudden water bombs. What has happened in the last few days in Northern Italy is the result of the climate changes that are affecting the planet .

Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future woke us up, pushed us to understand and confront what is happening around us, even if discussed or controversial. In fact, the same drought in Southern Italy speaks the same language to us. And it happens in Europe, as well as in the Amazon, in the Philippines, in the world everywhere.

Hemp is not the solution but, together with reforestation and biodiversity, it becomes the principle of primarily mental change .

One of the actions of cannabis is to reduce the concentration of climate-altering gases in the atmosphere: plants absorb and retain CO2 , subtracting it from the atmosphere, producing oxygen, fixing carbon in the soil to mitigate climate change itself, according to the policies identified in the protocol. of Kyoto.

"As recently recalled by Legambiente, Italy is today the only large European country that does not have a national plan that clearly defines the priorities for intervention for the areas at greatest risk in our country. After the consultation on the first draft of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC), created in 2017 with the authoritative contribution of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), of the text have in fact been lost.
In the meantime, however, the climate crisis has not forgotten us: as evidenced by the latest Ispra data, 2019, with + 1.56 ° C, was the 23rd consecutive year with a positive temperature anomaly compared to the 1961-1990 reference climatological value "
